Offers and Opportunities

  • Bando Fondo Italiano per la Scienza 2024/2025 – FIS 3 Call for Proposals

    scadenza/deadline: 27/01/2025 12:00

    Segnaliamo la pubblicazione del Decreto Direttoriale n.1802 del 21 novembre 2024 contenente le disposizioni procedurali per lo sviluppo delle attività di ricerca fondamentale a valere sul FONDO ITALIANO PER LA SCIENZA 2024-2025 (BANDO FIS 3).

    Sul modello dello European Research Council (ERC), il bando FIS promuove lo sviluppo della ricerca fondamentale nei tre Macrosettori LS (Life sciences), PE (Physical Sciences and Engineering) ed SH (Social Sciences and Humanities). E’ favorevolmente considerata la presentazione di proposte relative a progetti di natura interdisciplinare, pioneristici e che introducono approcci innovativi non convenzionali.

    Il bando FIS 3 prevede tre schemi di finanziamento:
    1. Starting Grant:
      primo PhD conseguito da almeno 2 anni e da non più di 7 anni alla data di scadenza del bando; garanzia di impegno temporale non inferiore al 50% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto;
    2. Consolidator Grant:
      primo PhD conseguito da almeno 7 anni e da non più di 12 anni alla data di scadenza del bando; garanzia di impegno temporale non inferiore al 40% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto;
    3. Advanced Grant:
      oltre 12 anni di esperienza nella ricerca; profilo leader nel settore di ricerca della proposta; garanzia di un impegno temporale non inferiore al 30% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto.
    La domanda di partecipazione deve essere presentata attraverso procedura online a partire dalle ore 12:00 del 27 novembre 2024 ed entro le ore 12:00 del 27 gennaio 2025. Per maggiori dettagli si rimanda al Decreto ed allegati.

    Decreto Direttoriale n.1802 del 21 novembre 2024:
  • Research Associate in Bayesian Statistics at Newcastle University


    Scadenza/Deadline: November 18th 2024

    The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics (MSP) at Newcastle University is seeking to recruit a Research Associate in Bayesian Statistics managed by Dr Kevin Wilson, Dr Cristiano Villa and Prof. Fabrizio Leisen.
  • Postdoctoral position in Probability and Analysis


    Scadenza/Deadline: 16/12/2024

    The department of Mathematics of ETH Zurich offers a two-year postdoctoral position in Probability in the group of Prof. Yilin Wang. The position can possibly be extended by one year.
    Job Description:
    You will work in the group of Yilin Wang, with possible collaborations with other groups at ETH (e.g. Vincent Tassion, Tristan Rivière, Alessio Figalli, Svitlana Mayboroda). The position comes with a light teaching duty (co-organization of student seminars, supervision of Bachelor and Master students, possibility of giving an advanced course in probability).

Past Announcements

  • The Bernoulli Society welcomes applications to the New Researcher Award 2025.


    scadenza/deadline: 15/06/2024

    Each awardee shall deliver a talk at a special invited session during the 65th ISI World Statistics Congress to be held in The Hague from October 5-10, 2025, and will receive a funding up to 1000 EUR to offset travel and other expenses. Bernoulli News will publish their pictures and a paragraph about their work. Eligible candidates are active researchers in Mathematical Statistics who obtained the PhD degree on or after June 15th, 2019, and who are regular members of the Bernoulli Society. An extension may be given to those having had disruptions after receiving the PhD, such as parenthood. Diversity among the awardees is one of the Society’s goals, and therefore women and members of under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
    Candidates should apply through the web form: Link
    and send the required documents to the e-mail address indicated in the form. Deadline: June 15th, 2024
  • Call for nominations for the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize


    scadenza/deadline: 12/04/2024

    The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability welcomes nominations for the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize .
    The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize, which was founded in 2011 and is generously sponsored by Springer, is awarded biannually to a single individual who is in the beginning of his or her mathematical career, for outstanding research in the field of probability theory. Nominees should normally be within 10 (calendar) years from getting their PhD to the prize year with suitable adjustments to be made for career breaks post-PhD (for example, maternity/paternity leave or military service).
    The awardee will be invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present the Doeblin Prize Lecture at a Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
    To nominate a candidate, please provide the following documents:
    1. A comprehensive two-page Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting the nominee's academic background, professional experience, and honors/awards received.
    2. A list of publications.
    3. A document of at most five pages describing the nominee's work and placing it in context for importance. This document should outline the key mathematical contributions, their significance, and their impact on their respective field(s).
    4. Between two and four letters of recommendation.
    More information about the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize and past awardees can be found at the following link: HERE
    Each nomination should be sent by April 12, 2024 .
    Nominations should be communicated to the Award Committee by sending an email to with subject heading: Doeblin Prize 2024 .
  • Bando Fondo Italiano per la Scienza 2022-2023 – FIS 2 Call for Proposals

    scadenza/deadline: 9/11/2023

    Segnaliamo la pubblicazione del Decreto Direttoriale n.1236 del 1° agosto 2023 contenente le disposizioni procedurali per lo sviluppo delle attività di ricerca fondamentale a valere sul FONDO ITALIANO PER LA SCIENZA 2022-2023 (BANDO FIS 2).

    Sul modello dello European Research Council (ERC), il bando FIS promuove lo sviluppo della ricerca fondamentale nei tre Macrosettori LS (Life sciences), PE (Physical Sciences and Engineering) ed SH (Social Sciences and Humanities). E’ favorevolmente considerata la presentazione di proposte relative a progetti di natura interdisciplinare, pioneristici e che introducono approcci innovativi non convenzionali.

    Il bando FIS 2 prevede tre schemi di finanziamento:
    1. Starting Grant:
      primo PhD conseguito da almeno 2 anni e da non più di 7 anni alla data di scadenza del bando; garanzia di impegno temporale non inferiore al 50% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto; finanziamento per progetto da 1,2 a 1,5 milioni di euro;
    2. Consolidator Grant:
      primo PhD conseguito da almeno 7 anni e da non più di 12 anni alla data di scadenza del bando; garanzia di impegno temporale non inferiore al 40% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto; finanziamento per progetto da 1,5 a 2,0 milioni di euro;
    3. Advanced Grant:
      oltre 12 anni di esperienza nella ricerca; profilo leader nel settore di ricerca della proposta; garanzia di un impegno temporale non inferiore al 30% dei mesi persona dedicati al progetto; finanziamento per progetto da 2,0 a 2,5 milioni di euro.
    La domanda di partecipazione deve essere presentata attraverso procedura online a partire dalle ore 12:00 del 10 ottobre 2023 ed entro le ore 12:00 del 9 novembre 2023. Per maggiori dettagli si rimanda al Decreto ed allegati.

    Decreto Direttoriale n.1236 del 1° agosto 2023:
  • 6 Postdoctoral fellows in Stochastics and Algorithmics (COFUND) The research project NETWORKS is looking for 6 international postdoctoral fellows in mathematics, computer science and quantum computing. Are you interested in the stochastics and algorithmics behind network problems? And would you like to be part of this project with its many activities? Then we invite you to apply for one of these positions.
    Application deadline: 31 March 2023
    Contract: full time employment contract for 2 years
    Salary indication: €2,960 to €4,670 gross per month, based on a fulltime contract
    Location: The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Leiden) More information and the application form can be found here.
  • You can now apply for the UMI Prizes De Finetti 2023 (Deadline: March 31st 2023) and Caccioppoli 2022 (Deadline: February 28th 2023). Further details are given here.
  • There are 6 fully funded PhD scholarships in the framework of the PhD in Modeling and Data Science at the University of Turin (Italy), coordinator Prof. Laura Sacerdote. The PhD program is interdisciplinary, and it involves branches of mathematics, informatics, economics, statistics, and physics. The website of the PhD is here. Application can be submitted here. Deadline: 31st May 2022, h 12:00 noon (CEST Time) Notice that the application requires two reference letters, which should be submitted via the same link by the referees before the application deadline. The list of the available projects - with a short description - is available at the following link. More information, at the following link.
  • PHD prize: ANILE PRIZE 2022: The prize will be awarded for a PhD thesis written in English and submitted in an Italian university, concerning a topic that bridges the gap between mathematics and its applications. Works that use advanced mathematics and/or propose new mathematical models and methods FOR HEALTHCARE (particularly related to epidemics) are strongly encouraged. The work will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the mathematics and of its impact on the application.
    Deadline for application: July 31st 2022.
    For further information, visit the following link.
  • International Scouting in the IMT School of Lucca : The IMT School is searching for candidates with excellent scientific production and solid experience on different research themes. Precisely, the School is offering at the present time four positions:
    • A Full Professor Position in Statistics, Econometric, Machine Learning. Deadline for application: April 30th, 2022 at 23:59 (Italian Time)
    • A Tenure Track Position (RTD-B) in Management and Finance. Deadline for application: March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (Italian Time)
    • A Tenure Track Position (RTD-B) in Networks and Data Science. Deadline for application: March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (Italian Time)
    • A Tenure Track Position (RTD-B) in Sustainability/Green Economy. Deadline for application: March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (Italian Time)
    For further information and applying, visit here (in English) or here (in Italian).
  • Nominations for the 2021 edition of the “Guido Fubini Prize”, established by the Fubini Jacobs family, are open. The theme chosen for the 2021 edition concerns Probability and its role in Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Deadline: 30th November 2021.
    For more information, visit
  • University of Naples Federico II has an open call for a temporary position in probability (senior postdoc without tenure track) as "Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A", S.S.D. MAT/06, id PON_GREEN_RTDA_2021_37. The reseach will be focused on "Green" topics and will be carried on at the Department of Mathematics and Applications. Deadline: 20th October 2021 at 3pm CET. The position is advertized here. The official call is here.
  • University of Milano has an open call for a temporary position in probability (senior postdoc without tenure track) as "Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A", S.S.D. MAT/06. The research will be focused on "Green" topic titled “Deterministic and stochastic mathematical modelling and data analysis within the study for the indoor and outdoor impact of the climate and environmental changes for the degradation of the Cultural Heritage”. Deadline: 19th October 2021 at 12:00 CET. The position is advertised here.
  • The SSM-School for Advanced Studies of the University of Naples offers 3 PostDoctoral Fellowships in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity (MERC) (Call no. MERC_021_01) and 3 PostDoctoral Fellowships in Mathematical and physical methods for advanced materials and technologies (Call no. MPHS_021_01). The call for applications for both the three postdoctoral fellowships in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity and the three postdoctoral fellowships in Mathematical and Physical methods for advanced materials and technologies at the SSM-School for Advanced Studies of the University of Naples are now available here. Each fellowship is 1 year long (renewable up to 3 years) with a yearly gross salary of EUR 35,000. Deadline for applications: 31st July 2021 at 2pm CET.
  • The PhD School of the University of Turin offers: 6 PhD position in the context of the PhD course in "Modeling and Data Science", starting on Nov 1, 2021. More information is available here. The application deadline is: June 18th, 2021. We point out in particular the following two international research projects which are part of the PhD programme:
    1. "Numerical approximations of non-local parabolic equations based on stochastic and finite elements methods and applications". The project is a joint research initiative of the Stochastic group in the Dept. of Mathematics at the University of Turin (Italy) and the Numerical Analysis group in the "Laboratoire de Mathématique et de leurs applications" at the University of Pau (France). The advertised position will be based in both universities and will offer ample freedom to suitably organize the stay in the two cities. The possibility of double PhD Degree could be considered. The gross salary is 1458/month during the stay in Turin and could be increased of about 50% during the period in Pau. Embedded in a truly international environment, the student will get excellent research training in a structured programme focussing on challenges at the mathematical foundations of the stochastic and numerical approach to PDEs as well as on challenges arising from its various applications, e.g., in physics, biology, finance or data science. The combined expertise from the Turin and Pau groups will provide a significant breadth in depth and fertile ground for our student's ambitious research ideas. Successful candidates will have an MSc degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics (or a closely related field such as Applied Mathematics, Computational Science, Physics or Statistics), strong knowledge on stochastic processes or numerical methods, and feel eager to engage in the exchange of ideas with the teams in both Turin and Pau. For further information, please contact: Bruno Toaldo,
    2. "Mathematical modeling of multivariate climate time series". The project is a joint research initiative of the Stochastic group in the Dept. of Mathematics at the University of Turin (Italy), Labflux group in the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, the University of Turin (Italy) and the Climatology group in the Department of Geography and Spatial Planning the University of Saragozza (Spain). The advertised position will be based in both universities and will offer ample freedom to suitably organize the stay in the two cities. The gross salary is 1458/month during the stay in Turin and could be increased to about 50% during the period in Saragozza. The student will benefit from excellent research training in a structured programme including mathematical and computational analysis, statistics on stochastic processes, Bayesian inference, machine learning and so on. He will experience collaborative and interdisciplinary work through projects as well as a dynamic and forward-looking community of scientists, sharing a strong desire to collaborate to find new ideas and a fertile ground from the different skills. Successful candidates will have an MSc degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics (or a closely related field such as Applied Mathematics, Computational Science, Physics or Statistics), strong knowledge on stochastic processes and statistical methods. For further information, please contact: Elvira Di Nardo,
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche, sede: Ancona) launched a constest for a Research Grant. More information is available here. Application Deadline: May 3rd, 2021.
  • Scuola Normale Superiore (Classe di Scienze, sede: Pisa) launched a constest for a Research Grant with name "Stochastic models of interest for fluid mechanics” as part of the research project “Stochastic Analysis tools for Extreme Event Probabilities in Climate Change”. More information is available here. Application Deadline: May 3rd, 2021.
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche, sede: Ancona) launched a constest for a Research Grant. More information is available here. Application Deadline: May 3rd, 2021.
  • RTDB position (tenure track for Associate Professor) in Probability and Mathematical Statistics (MAT/06), Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata ** Scientific Profile: The research and teaching activity will focus on topics in the Probability and Mathematical Statistics sector, with particular reference to issues related to Machine Learning, Big Data analysis and Artificial Intelligence, with a broad interpretation, including the topics of Probability and Mathematical Statistics that have developed through interactions with other sectors in the field of data analysis, such as Topological Data Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Theoretical Computer Science, Numerical Analysis and Optimization. Full details can be found here. Application Deadline: April 1st, 2021.
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  • Università della Basilicata (Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica ed Economia, sede: Potenza) launched a contest as Ricercatore a tempo determinato RTD-B SSD MAT/06 (Probabilità e Statistica Matematica) in G.U. – IV Serie Speciale – “Concorsi ed Esami” n. 20 dated March 12th, 2021 (with deadline at 18:00 of March 27th, 2021). The announcement is available in the Albo Ufficiale di Ateneo at this link and downloadable here. For any other information, please contact the coordinator of the CdS in Mathematics Alberto Cialdea at Application Deadline: 6pm of March 27th, 2021.
  • The Department of Mathematics at University of Turin has three 2-year PostDoc positions. Here is the link for the announcement and the application. Application Deadline: 1pm of March 8th, 2021.
  • Postdoc position in Luxembourg for June 2021: University of Luxembourg, campus Belval. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of stochastic analysis at the University of Luxembourg. The project is about Malliavin calculus, Stein's method, and related topics, in a broad sense. Areas of interest include stochastic analysis and its interplay with other fields of mathematics (in particular, but not exclusively, functional analysis and geometry). The position is for 3 years (36 months). The starting date is June 1st, 2021. Applications, including a CV, a list of publications and a research statement must be sent to Ivan Nourdin ( Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address. Applications will be evaluated first after March 1st, and then on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Requests for further information about the position should be also sent to the same address. Application Deadline: March 1st, 2021.
  • The Department of Statistics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) invites applications for up to two full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor positions, starting on September 1, 2021. Here is the announcement. Application Deadline: February 28, 2021
  • Three (among 15) PhD stipends in statistics: 15 doctoral fellowships in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network: Economic Policy in Complex Environments (EPOC). See here for more information. Application Deadline: January 31, 2021.
  • The department of Mathematics at the University of Milan has a 2-year post-doc research position on "Extension of Martingale Optimal Transport Theory”. The research activity will be coordinated by Prof. Luciano Campi and Prof. Marco Frittelli. All interested candidates are encouraged to participate in the selection procedure. All information (in Italian and in English) about the position, the application and the deadlines can be found at this page. Here is the announcement.